Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Money Money Money

How our spending habits have changed
based on the answers given by the focus group

We spoke to a group of people to find out what they spend their money on now, as opposed to what they used to spend their money on when they were younger.

The general gist of it tended to be that we are actually more careful with our money than we were in the past. All of the group agreed that they think more before buying things that, 30 years ago they would have bought automatically. Also with supermarkets containing everything you could need as opposed to going to the butchers for your meat, bakers for your bread etc we now look for the best price; whereas, before supermarkets, there was only one shop that sold what you needed and as such only one price.  Things like chocolate are actually cheaper then previously due to huge amounts being produced and  shipped over inexpensively.

As for the type of thing that we spend our money on, some feel that we treat ourselves more due to everything being right there in front of you, without the need to go and find it in another shop.


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